With single and multiplayer modes you are breaching into familiar territory, but there are enough new features to keep things feeling fresh. Effects such as water droplets that splash up onto the screen, improved dynamic lighting and more destructible backdrops will really push top-end phones. On the Samsung Galaxy S5 and the Nvidia Shield, it’s not an entirely glossy splendour as there are some blocky areas, but more detailed and interesting environments make a difference. Just like Call of Duty and Battlefield, developer Gameloft prides itself on going big in the graphics department. Graphics are still as polished as they were in Modern Combat 4 Zero Hour, and while a storyline based on going toe-to-toe with terrorists is hardly original, the improved multiplayer and enjoyable single campaign still makes it one of the finest shooters to play on a smaller screen.

Modern Combat 5: Blackout is as the name suggests, the fifth instalment in the first person shooter franchise delivering another slice of Call of Duty-inspired action for iOS, Android and Windows Phone smartphones and tablets. Available now on Android, iOS and Windows Phone (Reviewed on Galaxy S5 and Nvidia Shield)